About Us

Oriental Shorthair Kittens Home

I am so excited you’re here! Our mission is to promote this highly affectionate and intelligent breed and at the same time, make these beautiful and unique kittens available for adoption to loving families like yours. We are choosy; just as you should be when selecting a oriental shorthair breeder. As responsible breeders we make great effort to provide the best nutrition, veterinary care and social training for all our kitties.


We are a proud member of TICA, The International Cat Association and regularly participate in many of their shows. Our cats have won many awards; Julius, most recently becoming a Supreme Grand Champion, earned Best in Show during the Skyway Cat Club Show held in Florida. We invite you to check out our Queens + Sires page to learn more about each of our cats’ temperament and some of the awards they have earned.

Would you like to see some of our kittens? Hop over to our blog page to take a peek at these adorable little creatures!